
Origami Kids Challenge 2021 Results

5/23/2021 | ORIGAMI KIDS

Thank you for participating and supporting Hub Park’s 2nd online charity event Origami Kids Challenge!

We virtually received 4,936 Origami Cranes with your wishes during the campaign in April. Lots of people kindly shared the Origami Kids Challenge on social media and it had been spreading through participants’ network every day. It got momentum when we received 1,000 cranes and it was exciting and amazing to see how many cranes were posted during the last few days.

Meanwhile, a lot of companies supported us with sponsorships and some individuals donated during the campaign. As a result, we will donate $2972.23 to Feeding America. Which means, Origami Kids Challenge 2021 makes it possible to deliver at least 29,722 meals to families in need through the Feeding America network.

At first, we thought that the goal “2,021 cranes = $2,021” would be difficult for us to reach, but thanks to everyone like you, we received more origami cranes and more monetary donations. We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your warm support. Those who participated with your children, we would be grateful if you tell your children thank you from us, too.

Although this Origami Kids Challenge was only our second campaign following the one last year, it expanded new possibilities for us. Some high school students voluntary planned a school-wide charity campaign and posted a lot of origami cranes for Origami Kids Challenge. Some teachers incorporated this Challenge into their Japanese-related classes and participated with their students. Some businesses and educational organizations folded a lot of cranes and decorated their offices and restaurants. A wide range of generations from different regions inside and outside of the U.S. participated, and it means we made progress in our goal to “increase awareness of food insecurity and malnutrition problems in the U.S.” through this charity campaign.

And we have even more stories! For example, a lady folded a thousand cranes by herself supporting the Japanese tradition of Thousand Cranes. Some people who love origami posted multiple times involving their friends. Some professional origami artists posted beautiful pictures. Some children tried to fold origami cranes for the first time. We believe this charity event created an opportunity for people to learn about Japanese culture and we hope to continue to expand opportunities of cultural exchange.

You can find origami crane photos posted for this event by searching social media with the hashtag #Origamikidschallenge.

You can also find some of origami crane photos on Hub Park’s social media:

Facebook @hubpark.org

Instagram @hubpark_washingtondc

Twitter @HubPark3

Thanks to you, Origami Kids Challenge 2021 was a big success and exceeded our goals. Again, Hub Park would like to thank everyone for their warm support and participation. We would like to support those children in need continuously and would like to hold this online charity event next year. Please stay tuned and support this effort again.

◆ “Origami Kids Challenge” is our online charity campaign to help eradicate food insecurity and malnutrition problems in the US. For every origami crane you fold and posted online, we will donate $1 to Feeding America.

Event Details



Origami Kids by Hub Park 501(c) (3)

Hub Park enhances the quality of life of Japanese residents in the US by bridging Japanese and American communities.


Our Sponsors

  • Kura Revolving Sushi Bar
  • JCAW Foundation
  • San-J
  • Santouka Tysons Corner
  • Sumitomo Corporation
  • Sushi Taro
  • Washington Core
  • Wegmans

※Some donors wish to remain anonymous.

We are donating to

Feeding America


Hub Parkに参加しませんか?




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Hub Park主催、第3回目のオンラインチャリティイベントOrigami Kids Challengeにご参加、ご支援いただきありがとうございました。 今年4月のキャンペーン期間中に、皆さまの想いをのせて投稿された折り鶴は5,118羽にものぼりました!協賛企業の各社様のご支援と、チャレンジ期間中の個人の皆さまにもご寄付をいただいた結果、Feeding Americaに$2,000を、Inspired Childに$800を寄付できることをお知らせいたします。 その結果、Feeding...