For the sixth story in the "Women's Way of Life" Interviews, I spoke to Chieko Reaves, a musician and trumpet-player.
#5: 大切なのは最初の一歩を踏み出すこと ー 菊農桂子さん(VA)
This time we are interviewing Ms. Keiko Kikuno who is working as a knitting designer in Virginia. 1. Please tell us about your journey coming to the United States.
#4: 着物を通して、日本文化を継承する役割を担いたい ―瀬山由佳さん(D.C.)
This time we interviewed Yuka Semaya, who manages a kimono shop in Washington DC. 1. Please tell us about your journey coming to the United States.
#3: 子どもと関わる仕事を続けていきたい!- Y.N.さん(VA)
This time we’d like to introduce Y.N, who is working as an assistant in a school. 1. Is there anything you've been particularly passionate about lately?
#2: カフェに勤めながらバリスタを目指す!ーY.N.さん(VA)
The second story in "Women's Way of Life in America" is with Y. N,. who studied English at community college and is now working in a café.
#1: 子育てをしながら2つの仕事を兼業中!- 清水良子さん(VA)
“The Lives of Women in the United States” is a series in which we introduce resilient Japanese women who have managed to strike a great work-life balance here in America. In the first of this series, we interview Ms. Yoshiko Shimizu who balances a career as a real estate agent with working at a Japanese restaurant.